Friday, July 30, 2010

10 summer traveling tips, from Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry

Hey, parents! Are you busy planning that perfect family vacation for the whole family this summer? Here at Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, we know that summer is the season when many families choose to hit the open road—or catch a flight—to make those memories together. That’s why we want to share this helpful video - courtesy of Channel 6 News in Philadelphia - about tips you can use when traveling with kids this summer.

Here are some more tips, courtesy of Cassandra James from Associated Content:

1. Make sure your kids are busy if you're going on a long car ride.

2. Don't ignore your kids during the trip - play guessing games, car number plate games, memory games, etc.

3. Choose the shortest way there

4. If you're flying, avoid layovers (long layovers can bore a child)

5. Don't forget to stop (take a break from driving every 2-3 hours)

6. Pre-board planes - give yourself and your kids a few extra minutes to get settled in

7. If possible, travel at night for your sanity's sake :)

8. Try to stop off at fun and interesting places.

9. Get to know your kids - start a conversation, ask about their friends, etc.

10. Make sure your kids are wearing comfortable clothes during your trip.

We encourage you to read the rest of Cassandra's article! Happy and safe travels!

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