Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ask Dr. Kelly: When should my child come in for a check-up?

At Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, we think a child's first visit to the dentist should be enjoyable and positive. The more you and your child know about the first visit, the better you will feel. Children are not born with a fear of the dentist, but they can fear the unknown. At Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Kelly Hilgers and our team make a practice of using pleasant, non-frightening, simple words to describe your child's first dental visit and treatment. We want you and your child to feel at ease from the moment you walk through the door.

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, or AAPD, children should visit the dentist by their first birthday. It is important that your child's newly-erupted teeth (erupting at 6-12 months of age) receive proper dental care and benefit from proper oral hygiene habits right from the beginning. Your child's first tooth erupts between ages 6-12 months and the remainder of their 20 primary or "baby" teeth typically erupt by age 3.

If you have any questions about pediatric dentistry, or about your treatment with Dr. Kelly, please visit the "Dentistry for Children" page on our web site, or feel free to give us a call!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What helps your child relax at Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry?

Dr. Kelly is well-aware that not everyone is always thrilled to visit the dentist. But at Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to bring you the best and most comforting experience at each of your visits.

Today, we’d like to know: What is it about our office that makes you comfortable or puts you at ease? Is it something about our pleasant office environment? Our friendly professional staff? Perhaps it's Dr. Kelly or Dr. Greg?

Let us know by posting here or on our Google Places page! Your testimonials mean a lot to us!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dr. Kelly Hilgers explains dental emergencies

When your child needs urgent dental treatment, Dr. Kelly Hilgers and team stand ready to help. Please keep our emergency number available and convenient. Here are some helpful answers to some recent patient questions. Have a great weekend everyone!

Q: What should I do if my child's baby tooth is knocked out?

A: Contact our office as soon as possible.

Q: What should I do if my child's permanent tooth is knocked out?

A: Find the tooth and rinse it gently in cool water. (Do not scrub it or clean it with soap -- use just water!) If possible, replace the tooth in the socket and hold it there with clean gauze or a wash cloth. If you can't put the tooth back in the socket, place the tooth in a clean container with milk, saliva, or water. Get to our office immediately. (Call the emergency number if it's after hours.) The faster you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth.

Q: What if a tooth is chipped or fractured?

A: Contact Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry immediately. Quick action can save the tooth, prevent infection and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment. Rinse the mouth with water and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. If you can find the broken tooth fragment, bring it with you when you visit Drs. Kelly or Mathieu.

Q: What about a severe blow to the head or jaw fracture?

A: Go immediately to the emergency room of your local hospital. A blow to the head can be life threatening.

Q: What if my child has a toothache?

A: Call us and visit the office promptly. To comfort your child, rinse the mouth with water. Apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth. Do not put heat or aspirin on the sore area.

Q: Can dental injuries be prevented?

A: Of course! First, reduce oral injury in sports by wearing mouth guards. Second, always use a car seat for young children. Require seat belts for everyone else in the car. Third, child-proof your home to prevent falls, electrical injuries, and choking on small objects. Fourth, protect your child from unnecessary toothaches with regular dental visits to our office.

Contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kelly. She loves what she does and enjoys every day watching her patients grow and smile as they come to visit her.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How important is your smile? From Dr. Kelly

At Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, our staff is warm and friendly and we cater to children. We use child-friendly terminology and make going to the dentist a very fun experience. Our office has a shipwrecked island theme for your children to enjoy with a movie theater, arcade and TVs over each treatment chair!

We do everything we can to make your child’s experience fun and fearless, and we love to see your child smile!

And speaking of smiling, in a new poll conducted by Glamour Magazine, people were asked, “If you had to pick between having perfect teeth, eyesight or hair, which would you choose?

Well, 44 percent of folks out there are choosing teeth! In addition, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, or AACD, conducted a study and found that 99.7 percent of those polled believed a smile is an important social asset. Respondents said straightness, whiteness, cleanliness, as well as the sincerity and sparkle of a person’s smile were all important factors not only socially, but career-wise as well.

Contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kelly Hilgers. She loves what she does and enjoys every day watching her patients grow and smile as they come to visit her!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March is National Nutrition Month!

March marks National Nutrition Month, and Dr. Kelly Hilgers & our team want you to think diabetes, obesity and periodontal disease, and how healthful eating and physical activity can improve your child's periodontal health.

Small changes really can make a big difference, and the American Dietetic Association (ADA) has some advice on ways to start improving your child's diet:

Focus on fruits and vegetables: Add a serving each day to one meal and increase it every few weeks. Adding more of these foods into your child's diet is important whether you buy frozen, fresh or organic.

Think local: From farmer’s markets to community-supported agriculture, you have many options to find new, fresh foods in Goodyear and surrounding communities here in the Phoenix area.

Make your child's calories count: When you are choosing between options, focus instead on the one with more of the vitamins and nutrients your child needs. Sometimes, foods with fewer calories just aren’t always the healthiest options.

Expand your and your child's horizons: Try a fish you’ve never eaten before or find a new vegetable recipe. By testing yourself, you might find new health favorites to add to your regular grocery list.

If you have additional questions about periodontal disease or keeping your child's mouth healthy, please call Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry today at (623) 536-0079.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Why are regular checkups so important?

Is your child brushing and flossing daily? If yes, we think that’s great! But, don’t forget that it’s also important for your child to visit Dr. Kelly every 3-to-6 months (or as recommended).

No matter what your age, visiting Goodyear dentist Dr. Kelly Hilgers on a regular basis will help keep your teeth and gums healthy, and your smile bright!

The American Dental Association recommends that both children and adults visit the dentist every six months for regular checkups and routine teeth cleanings. And we would love to see you here every six months to make sure that your smile is staying healthy!

Our staff at Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry completely understand that you have a busy schedule, so while we like to make sure your appointments are informative, we also like to make sure they don't stop you from doing the things you love! When preparing to visit Drs. Hilgers or Mathieu, please know that your appointment can last anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes.

When it's time for your next dental appointment, please call us at (623) 536–0079, and our friendly office staff will be ready to help you schedule an appointment.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Love your child's smile? Tell the world about it!

If you've spent one minute at At Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, you probably know Dr. Kelly Hilgers and our experienced staff do everything we can to make your child’s experience fun and fearless. In addition to making your child’s experience fun at our convenient Goodyear office, we offer the most advanced technology available in a state-of-the-art environment.

But we’re wondering: What made you choose Dr. Kelly for your child's dental needs?

Whether you’ve just come in once or your family has been visiting our office for years, we’d love to hear your feedback. You can write a review on our Facebook page or on our Google Places page!

Have a wonderful week!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Connect with Dr. Kelly on Facebook!

At Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, we do everything we can to make your child’s experience fun and fearless. We also believe in the unique relationships we have developed with our patients in Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Avondale and greater Phoenix. Even if your child visits Dr. Kelly Hilgers for regular checkups, did you know that you can now connect with us Facebook?

We invite you to “Like” us at There, we share office news and updates on our Fan Page, so check it out! By Liking our page, you will receive updates from our office automatically in your news feed!

See you on Facebook and have a great rest of the weekend,

- Dr. Kelly and team

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Access to your account any day, any time!

Access to your account, 24/7. Sounds convenient, doesn’t it?

At Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, we embrace new technology, whether it is through the innovative treatments that we offer, our high-tech web site and social networks, or our modern office conveniently located in Goodyear. Did you know that Dr. Kelly's patients and parents have access to their account 24 hours a day, seven days a week—on our web site? You can look up your appointments and all of your account details at your convenience, from the comfort of your own home! You can even receive appointment reminders through email or text messages!

You, too, can sign up for this convenient service on our web site by clicking the "Patient Login" button on our homepage. Please call our dedicated team at Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry if you have any questions!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February marks National Children’s Dental Health Month!

Each February, Dr. Kelly Hilgers and our team focus on the preventive oral care of America's children as part of National Children's Dental Health Month.

Since 1941, the American Dental Association, or ADA, has sponsored National Children's Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of oral health.

Tooth decay in kids is a growing problem in the United States, posing very serious health risks. Decay happens to be the most chronic disease affecting American children. A child's overall health is closely linked to his or her oral health. Developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits helps children get a jump start in maintaining a lifetime of good oral health.

Dr. Kelly and team remind you to developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits helps children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Has your child visited Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry during the past six months? If not, it’s time to give us a call and schedule an appointment at our convenient Goodyear, AZ office!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gum Disease Can Sneak Up On You

At Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry, we'll tell you it's easy to tell when you have a cavity; but unfortunately, gum disease can exist in your mouth without you even knowing. In fact, you can have the beginning stages of gum disease without noticing any pain or discomfort. Since gum disease can be undetectable, it’s important to watch for warning signs in order to prevent the disease from worsening!

Signs to watch for:

• Gums that appear red or swollen
• Gums that feel tender
• Gums that bleed easily (during brushing or flossing)
• Gums that recede or pull away from the teeth
• Persistent halitosis, or bad breath
• Loose teeth
• Any change in the way teeth come together in the biting position

If you or your child is having these symptoms, schedule an appointment right away by calling Dr. Kelly Hilgers and our team, serving Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Avondale and neighboring Phoenix. We can diagnose the problem and begin treatment to save your teeth and give you back a healthy mouth!

We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More happy patients at Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry!

If you know us, you know we LOVE hearing from our patients – check out what some of them are saying about Dr. Kelly Hilgers and our staff!

"I love the personal care and interest they show to my children. They go out of their way to make them comfortable and make visiting the dentist an experience that they greatly look forward to. I like their personnel a lot. They are a staff that cares." ~ Joanne F.

"We LOVE Hilgers! I have two boys, 4 and 6 years old. We have been going to Hilgers for 4 years now. My husband went for his own dental checkup this past week, when he told my children he was going to the dentist, my oldest son replied "Oh man! I wish I could go to my dentist today! I love going to the dentist! When do I get to go back to my dentist?" My kids have never been afraid to be there, Dr. Kelly and her staff have created a wonderfully comfortable environment for the kids. I can't say enough good things about Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry."

"Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry is wonderful. We have been very impressed over the last 18 months of using Hilgers Pediatric dentistry for our four children. They all love to go, and come home asking when they can go again."‎ ~ Julie M.

"Dr. Kelly and her staff are so kid-friendly! My son really like most of what goes on there! The movies, getting to pick his own toothbrush, and flavor of toothpaste and flouride! she is also very knowledgeable!" ~ Julien C.

By the way, Facebook is a great place to tell us how we're doing, but we also encourage you to head to our Google Places page and leave a short review there. Your generous reviews help Dr. Kelly build more beautiful smiles here in Goodyear and surrounding communities!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Make 2011 the year to improve your child's oral health

Many folks in Goodyear and surrounding communities consider the beginning of a new year a time to not only reflect on the year that was, but also to set personal goals for the upcoming year. How are you planning to improve your or your child's health and happiness in 2011? Dr. Kelly Hilgers and our team recommend that you make a New Year’s resolution to benefit your oral health!

It is important that New Year’s resolutions are reasonable and attainable, and that they improve your overall quality of life—for example, did you know that flossing every day is the very best way to prevent periodontal, or gum disease? Using a straw when drinking sugary beverages can also help prevent cavities. There are many small steps that you can take to prevent cavities, oral infections and bad breath.

Be sure to give us a call if you need a few suggestions on ways to improve your child's oral health, or visit this helpful article from our friends at the Academy of General Dentistry. After all, your child's oral health is about more than just a beautiful smile!

Monday, January 3, 2011

When is thumb-sucking a cause for concern?

Lots of you have asked our staff at Hilgers Pediatric Dentistry about whether it’s healthy for children to suck thumbs (or, less frequently, fingers). If you’ve got a thumb-sucker in the house, you are not alone. Research tells us that between 75% and 95% of infants suck their thumbs.

So, is this anything to worry about?

In most cases, no. Sucking is a natural reflex for an infant, and can provide security and contentment as well as relaxation for your little one. It’s a habit that most children grow out of between the ages of 2 and 4.

However, if your child keeps sucking after he’s gotten his permanent teeth, it’s time for Dr. Kelly Hilgers and our team to take a closer look. If your child sucks his thumb aggressively, putting pressure on the inside of his mouth or his teeth, it could cause problems with tooth alignment and proper mouth growth. If you’re worried, give us a call and Dr. Kelly or Dr. Greg Mathieu will help assess the situation, and provide tips for how to help your child break the habit.

Happy New Year everyone!